Description: Bathymetric Maps are basically topographic land maps but instead they are underwater and use sonar to see what is underneath the surface. They are designed to give us accurate readings of underwater terrain. This map not only shows the depths of the water but also shows what the terrain looks like beneath the surface.
Friday, August 1, 2014
Standardized Choropleth Map
Description: Standardized Choropleth Map are designed to allow comparison of distribution among areas. These maps are fairly simple and commonly show variables such as the number of people per square mile in an area. This map shows the population per square kilometer and portrays this using different colors.
Description: Standardized Choropleth Map are designed to allow comparison of distribution among areas. These maps are fairly simple and commonly show variables such as the number of people per square mile in an area. This map shows the population per square kilometer and portrays this using different colors.
Nominal Area Choropleth Map
Description: A Nominal Area Choropleth Map is a simple map that displays nominal data. The focus for these maps is on categorical data rather than numerical. This map shows us the how the votes were distributed during the election of Obama and McCain. It simply uses colors to show the amount of votes, not numbers.
Description: A Nominal Area Choropleth Map is a simple map that displays nominal data. The focus for these maps is on categorical data rather than numerical. This map shows us the how the votes were distributed during the election of Obama and McCain. It simply uses colors to show the amount of votes, not numbers.
Univariate Choropleth Map
Description: A Univariate Choropleth Map displays a single set of data. These maps are more simpler than other choropleth maps which display data with multiple variables. This map conveys the percentage of people over 25 that have a bachelors degree. Only one set of data is shown in this map and is displayed via colors.
Bivariate Choropleth Map
Description: Bivariate Choropleth Maps display two different variables on one map usually with colors and symbols. Here are four different examples of bivariate choropleth maps. Each of these examples displays two variables related to crimes rates in the US in 2003 and the results of the 2004 election. Each map uses colors and lines to show the data.
Description: Bivariate Choropleth Maps display two different variables on one map usually with colors and symbols. Here are four different examples of bivariate choropleth maps. Each of these examples displays two variables related to crimes rates in the US in 2003 and the results of the 2004 election. Each map uses colors and lines to show the data.
Parallel Coordinate Plot
Description: A Parallel Coordinate Graph consists of variables graphed on a vertical axis. Data from these variables is plotted and connected by points. Variables tend to be vertical and equally spaced out. In this graph players total scores were plotted with respect to the questions type. The red on the graph indicates the top 10% percent of scores.
Description: A Parallel Coordinate Graph consists of variables graphed on a vertical axis. Data from these variables is plotted and connected by points. Variables tend to be vertical and equally spaced out. In this graph players total scores were plotted with respect to the questions type. The red on the graph indicates the top 10% percent of scores.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Isoline Map
Description: Isoline Maps are a two dimensional representation of a 3D model. It uses continuous joining lines to show different aspects of the map. For example this is a 2D map that shows a 3D area by using contour lines.
Description: Isoline Maps are a two dimensional representation of a 3D model. It uses continuous joining lines to show different aspects of the map. For example this is a 2D map that shows a 3D area by using contour lines.
Mental Map
Description: Mental Maps refer to a persons point of view and what they believe an area looks like. These maps are based on opinion and what is believed to be true. This map shows a persons depiction of a small areas in a city consisting of streets, a couple traffic circles, and buildings.
Description: Mental Maps refer to a persons point of view and what they believe an area looks like. These maps are based on opinion and what is believed to be true. This map shows a persons depiction of a small areas in a city consisting of streets, a couple traffic circles, and buildings.
Triangular Plot
Description: A triangular plot displays information or data in the shape of a triangle. This map conveys an election using percent and three different categories of voters.
Description: A triangular plot displays information or data in the shape of a triangle. This map conveys an election using percent and three different categories of voters.
Correlation Matrix
Description: A Correlation Matrix uses variables for the columns to find similarities within the matrix. Each correlation has a diagonal section that splits the matrix into to separate triangles. This makes the correlation matrix symmetric. This matrix shows the monthly US return over 35 years and compares them to a set of variables.
Description: A Correlation Matrix uses variables for the columns to find similarities within the matrix. Each correlation has a diagonal section that splits the matrix into to separate triangles. This makes the correlation matrix symmetric. This matrix shows the monthly US return over 35 years and compares them to a set of variables.
Similarity Matrix
Description: A Similarity Matrix is a matrix of scores that shows similarities between data points. Each element of the matrix will contain similarities between data points. This matrix shows the similarities between genes. The different colors indicate similarities between similar and types of genes.
Description: A Similarity Matrix is a matrix of scores that shows similarities between data points. Each element of the matrix will contain similarities between data points. This matrix shows the similarities between genes. The different colors indicate similarities between similar and types of genes.
Bilateral Graph
Description: A Bilateral Graph increases on one side of zero while decreasing on the other side. These graphs are used to display data that has both positives and negatives. This graph shows the United States trade deficit with the world in both 2009 and 2010. As shown on the chart, these years were nearly opposite of one another.
Description: A Bilateral Graph increases on one side of zero while decreasing on the other side. These graphs are used to display data that has both positives and negatives. This graph shows the United States trade deficit with the world in both 2009 and 2010. As shown on the chart, these years were nearly opposite of one another.
Lorenz Curve
Description: The Lorenz Curve represents the cumulative distribution function of a probability distribution. Also known as a accumulative line graph, this graph is often used to display distributions of income. In this graph the Lorenz Curve represents inequality.
Scatter Plot
Description: A Scatter Plot uses points to display values from two different variables from a set of data. This chart shows us the age of spouses on two different axis. The area covered most heavily by points is considered the average age of both Husband and Wife.
Description: A Scatter Plot uses points to display values from two different variables from a set of data. This chart shows us the age of spouses on two different axis. The area covered most heavily by points is considered the average age of both Husband and Wife.
Population Profile
Description: A Population Profile is a chart that shows a group of people, usually the population of a country, and uses a variable to put the population into categories by age. these charts show the amount of people that make up each age group currently and in the future based off of gender.
Description: A Population Profile is a chart that shows a group of people, usually the population of a country, and uses a variable to put the population into categories by age. these charts show the amount of people that make up each age group currently and in the future based off of gender.
Description: Climographs are used to show the temperature and monthly participation of a specific area. The line shows temperature while the bars show precipitation. This graph displays the temperature and precipitation for a town in China over a twelve month period.
Description: Climographs are used to show the temperature and monthly participation of a specific area. The line shows temperature while the bars show precipitation. This graph displays the temperature and precipitation for a town in China over a twelve month period.
Description: Windrose plots are utilized by meteorologists to decipher the wind speed and direction in a certain area. They show the frequency of the wind blowing and from which direction it is coming from. The farther away from the center of the plot the more frequent the winds are. This plot shows winds moving in all directions along with how many knots the winds are blowing.
Stem and Leaf Plot
Description: Stem and Leaf Plots aim to show quantitative data in the form of a graph. The way numbers are plotted helps with visualizing distribution among data. They way this plot works is by splitting up the numbers. for example if the numbers given were 21, 22, and 23 the 2 would be on one side of the plot along with the connected numbers 1, 2, and 3 on the other side of the plot.
Description: Stem and Leaf Plots aim to show quantitative data in the form of a graph. The way numbers are plotted helps with visualizing distribution among data. They way this plot works is by splitting up the numbers. for example if the numbers given were 21, 22, and 23 the 2 would be on one side of the plot along with the connected numbers 1, 2, and 3 on the other side of the plot.
Description: A Histogram uses a graph to show a distribution of data. A main aspects that is unique for histograms is that is that a constant variable as opposed to the similar looking bar chart which uses different variables or categories. This graph conveys final scores for a group of students. The constant variable in this case is the scores the students received.
Description: A Histogram uses a graph to show a distribution of data. A main aspects that is unique for histograms is that is that a constant variable as opposed to the similar looking bar chart which uses different variables or categories. This graph conveys final scores for a group of students. The constant variable in this case is the scores the students received.
Box Plot
Description: Box plots are used to display numerical data using quartiles, which show variability of the data on the graph. They are useful when trying to show two or more sets of data and show the average along with the variability of the data. This graph shows the average miles per gallon based on the number of cylinders a car has.
Star Plot
Description: A Star Plot graphically displays data in a two dimensional chart that includes a handful of quantitative variables. When the data is used it comes out in a shape similar to a star. This picture plots sun-rays for different Caribbean Islands.
Classed Choropleth Map
Description: Classed Choropleth Maps are thematic maps that have shaded or patterned areas in order to show a statistical variable. Choropleth Maps can show many different variables and classify the data shown. A popular variable that is used is population size. This map asks a question "Are some human lives worth more than others?" and shows what people thought as a whole according to states via color.
Description: Classed Choropleth Maps are thematic maps that have shaded or patterned areas in order to show a statistical variable. Choropleth Maps can show many different variables and classify the data shown. A popular variable that is used is population size. This map asks a question "Are some human lives worth more than others?" and shows what people thought as a whole according to states via color.
Range Graded Proportional Circle Map
Description: Range Graded Proportional Circle Maps are very similar to the Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map. They both use circles to show amounts of data for an area. The main difference is that range graded circle maps have a set amount of circles that can be used for the data usually displayed using a legend or key on the map. This map uses four circles sizes to show the amount of HIV cases each state has had in the United States.
Description: Range Graded Proportional Circle Maps are very similar to the Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map. They both use circles to show amounts of data for an area. The main difference is that range graded circle maps have a set amount of circles that can be used for the data usually displayed using a legend or key on the map. This map uses four circles sizes to show the amount of HIV cases each state has had in the United States.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map
Description: Continuously Variable Proportional Maps use different size circles in order to represent data or statistics. It does not have a set number of circles that can be included in the map. This map uses circles to show where the largest cities are in the world. The circles are proportional on the to map to the amount of people in the city.
Description: Continuously Variable Proportional Maps use different size circles in order to represent data or statistics. It does not have a set number of circles that can be included in the map. This map uses circles to show where the largest cities are in the world. The circles are proportional on the to map to the amount of people in the city.
Description: DOQQ stands for Digital Ortho Quarter Quads. It is a computer generated image on an aerial photo. These photos are corrected to make the quality of the map better and easier to see. Corrections are made on areas of the landscape such as roadways, wooded areas, and open space. DOQQ's use images from the United State Geological Survey. This image shows us a clear picture of a designated area where someone can pick out different aspects of the landscape very easily.
Description: DOQQ stands for Digital Ortho Quarter Quads. It is a computer generated image on an aerial photo. These photos are corrected to make the quality of the map better and easier to see. Corrections are made on areas of the landscape such as roadways, wooded areas, and open space. DOQQ's use images from the United State Geological Survey. This image shows us a clear picture of a designated area where someone can pick out different aspects of the landscape very easily.
Description: DEM stands for Digital Elevation Model. A DEM is a digital or 3D model of an areas terrain. This digital map shows us a 3D elevated area of the terrain and its contours along it's slopes.
Description: DEM stands for Digital Elevation Model. A DEM is a digital or 3D model of an areas terrain. This digital map shows us a 3D elevated area of the terrain and its contours along it's slopes.
Description: DLG stands for Digital Line Graph. They are a type of cartographic map that shows a digital vector or an area surveyed by the United States Geological Society. DLG's use small, intermediate, and large scales with up to nine smaller categories depending on the scale of the map. They include many different layers such as boundaries, surface cover, roadways, and hydrography and are used in GIS mapping applications. This map layer shows the waterways on Beaufort, SC along with roadways, railroads, and parcel boundaries.
Description: DLG stands for Digital Line Graph. They are a type of cartographic map that shows a digital vector or an area surveyed by the United States Geological Society. DLG's use small, intermediate, and large scales with up to nine smaller categories depending on the scale of the map. They include many different layers such as boundaries, surface cover, roadways, and hydrography and are used in GIS mapping applications. This map layer shows the waterways on Beaufort, SC along with roadways, railroads, and parcel boundaries.
Description: DRG stands for Digital Raster Graphic. A DRG is a scanned image from the a United States Geological Survey made for computer usage. This is a type of topographic map so it shows relief using contour lines. This computer map shows us a surveyed area generated on a computer and shows both aspects of the landscape and the relief.
Description: DRG stands for Digital Raster Graphic. A DRG is a scanned image from the a United States Geological Survey made for computer usage. This is a type of topographic map so it shows relief using contour lines. This computer map shows us a surveyed area generated on a computer and shows both aspects of the landscape and the relief.
Description: Isopleths are lines on a map connecting points that have a given constant variable. These maps are viewed statistically and are usually used for mapping surface elevations, atmospheric pressure, and amounts of precipitation. This maps constant variable is the amount of precipitation across the United Stares and shows us these values in centimeters.
Description: Isopleths are lines on a map connecting points that have a given constant variable. These maps are viewed statistically and are usually used for mapping surface elevations, atmospheric pressure, and amounts of precipitation. This maps constant variable is the amount of precipitation across the United Stares and shows us these values in centimeters.
Description: Isopach maps are used to help assist Geologists. These maps portray areas of equal thickness using contour lines and illustrate the thickness variations of a tabular unit layer or stratum. In this example is shows the range of ash spread out in the surrounding area as a result of a volcano in Nicaragua.
Description: Isopach maps are used to help assist Geologists. These maps portray areas of equal thickness using contour lines and illustrate the thickness variations of a tabular unit layer or stratum. In this example is shows the range of ash spread out in the surrounding area as a result of a volcano in Nicaragua.
Description: Isohyets are lines that join points in order to show points of equal rainfall on a map. This map shows the areas that have received equal amounts of rain using green lines. It also shows specific areas of high amounts of rainfall.
Description: Isohyets are lines that join points in order to show points of equal rainfall on a map. This map shows the areas that have received equal amounts of rain using green lines. It also shows specific areas of high amounts of rainfall.
Description: Isotachs use lines that connect to encompass areas of equal wind speed. The colored areas represent isotachs. This map shows two large areas in the United States that have equal wind speeds and shows the wind directions via the lines and symbols.
Description: Isotachs use lines that connect to encompass areas of equal wind speed. The colored areas represent isotachs. This map shows two large areas in the United States that have equal wind speeds and shows the wind directions via the lines and symbols.
Description: Isobars are lines on a meteorological map that represents areas of equal atmospheric pressure. One of the main rules of isobars is that they can never touch or be crossed. This map shows radar images of storms and the areas of high and low atmospheric pressure in the United States, which is shown by the Isobars. This map follows a main rule of isobars, the lines never touch each other.
Description: LIDAR stands for Light Detection and Ranging. LIDAR is a 3D remote sensing system used to measure distance by illuminating a target via laser and analyzing the light that is reflected back. This active remote sensing is done by aircraft. This LIDAR image is a 3D image of downtown Manhattan taken from an aircraft.
Description: LIDAR stands for Light Detection and Ranging. LIDAR is a 3D remote sensing system used to measure distance by illuminating a target via laser and analyzing the light that is reflected back. This active remote sensing is done by aircraft. This LIDAR image is a 3D image of downtown Manhattan taken from an aircraft.
Doppler Radar
Description: Doppler Radar is a tracking system that uses the Doppler effect to track storms, precipitation, and clouds. This radar picture shows a storm in Pennsylvania. The colors are used to indicate the intensity of the storm. Red means lightning and rain. Green indicates just rainfall.
Description: Doppler Radar is a tracking system that uses the Doppler effect to track storms, precipitation, and clouds. This radar picture shows a storm in Pennsylvania. The colors are used to indicate the intensity of the storm. Red means lightning and rain. Green indicates just rainfall.
Black and White Aerial Photo
Description: Normal aerial photography can make it hard to decipher different colors and shades of the landscape. Infrared Aerial Photos use colors to make the landscape easier to make out. Black and White Aerial Photos do the same thing except a black and white scale is used. We are able to see is what is reflected from the landscape. In this picture the black and white aerial photo clearly shows roads, water ways, and neighborhoods using black and white.
Description: Normal aerial photography can make it hard to decipher different colors and shades of the landscape. Infrared Aerial Photos use colors to make the landscape easier to make out. Black and White Aerial Photos do the same thing except a black and white scale is used. We are able to see is what is reflected from the landscape. In this picture the black and white aerial photo clearly shows roads, water ways, and neighborhoods using black and white.
Infrared Aerial Photo
Description: Normal aerial photography can make it hard to decipher different colors and shades of the landscape. Infrared Aerial Photos basically make seeing and deciphering what makes up the landscape easier. Our eyes can not see infrared. What we are able to see is what is reflected from the landscape when a infrared aerial photo is taken. Trees, plants, and beaches reflect light well making it easier for us to see them on maps. In this picture the infrared photo makes it easier to pick out areas of the landscape such as wooded areas, open space, and areas with sand.
Description: Normal aerial photography can make it hard to decipher different colors and shades of the landscape. Infrared Aerial Photos basically make seeing and deciphering what makes up the landscape easier. Our eyes can not see infrared. What we are able to see is what is reflected from the landscape when a infrared aerial photo is taken. Trees, plants, and beaches reflect light well making it easier for us to see them on maps. In this picture the infrared photo makes it easier to pick out areas of the landscape such as wooded areas, open space, and areas with sand.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Cartographic Animations
Description: Cartographic Animation uses animations to add components to maps that you would not normally see such as video radar. This technique makes showing weather patterns much easier. This map shows a Hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico and uses color to show the intensity of the storm. A normal image would appear white and gray but when animated it can portray just how strong the storm really is.
Description: Cartographic Animation uses animations to add components to maps that you would not normally see such as video radar. This technique makes showing weather patterns much easier. This map shows a Hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico and uses color to show the intensity of the storm. A normal image would appear white and gray but when animated it can portray just how strong the storm really is.
Statistical Map
Description: Statistical Maps display a variable and its distribution over a certain area. In the case of this map the variable is the total amount of flood insurance claims per state from 2004-2005. The areas the have the most claims are states that are mainly at or below sea level such as Florida, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
Description: Statistical Maps display a variable and its distribution over a certain area. In the case of this map the variable is the total amount of flood insurance claims per state from 2004-2005. The areas the have the most claims are states that are mainly at or below sea level such as Florida, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
Description: Cartograms are maps that show a geographic location that has been altered to reflect the variable being shown. Two ways in which they can be used is to show populations and gross national product. This map shows the number of electoral votes per state received by the two candidates in the 2012 presidential election and does so by making the states look distorted depending on its amount of votes.
Description: Cartograms are maps that show a geographic location that has been altered to reflect the variable being shown. Two ways in which they can be used is to show populations and gross national product. This map shows the number of electoral votes per state received by the two candidates in the 2012 presidential election and does so by making the states look distorted depending on its amount of votes.
Flow Map
Description: Flow Maps are used to show the movement of objects, such as people or animals, from place to place. Shows the general direction with the exact destination, not the actual path. This map shows the telephone traffic between nations in Europe. Its does not use exact path ways and shows the amount of calls between countries by using a thicker line for higher amounts of calls.
Proportional Circle Map
Description: Proportional Circle Maps use different sized circles in order to show data. In the map it shows the number of Aggravated Assault Arrests in 2009 by state. With the larger circles having more in the more crime ridden states like California and Florida.
Description: Proportional Circle Maps use different sized circles in order to show data. In the map it shows the number of Aggravated Assault Arrests in 2009 by state. With the larger circles having more in the more crime ridden states like California and Florida.
Choropleth Map
Description: Choropleth Maps are a Thematic Map that uses shading to show the statistics and variables that are being measured in a certain area. This map conveys the number of males to 100 females in all 50 states using different shades of green to portray the different amounts of males.
Description: Choropleth Maps are a Thematic Map that uses shading to show the statistics and variables that are being measured in a certain area. This map conveys the number of males to 100 females in all 50 states using different shades of green to portray the different amounts of males.
Dot Distribution Map
Description: Dot Distribution Maps use dots or other symbols to represent thing like quantity or value in a certain area. Useful for showing populations. This map shows the population distribution of Hispanic people across the United States using red dots to indicate where there is over 100,000 individuals.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Propaganda Map
Description: Propaganda maps are used to sway or persuade what people think. These maps can be completely false and subjective. For instance this map shows Texas as being massive which is not true. It conveys a message that Texas is big and bad and seems to matter more than everyone else. Not only does it show Texas way to large it also has different names in place of all the other states such as: "Swamp Land" for Florida. This map clearly intends to sway to thoughts or the individuals looking at it.
Hypsometric Map Description: Hypsometric Maps are three dimensional and used to show elevation. They can show relief in a few different ways such as: raised reliefs, contour lines, and color and shaping. This particular map uses color to help portray the elevation of the United States. In this case the dark and more extreme (red) the color is the higher the elevation. |
Description: PLSS maps are used to public lands owned by the Federal Government of the United States. These public lands can be subdivided. This is regulated by the Bureau of Land Management. Surveys are completed in thirty six square mile sections. This map conveys the thirty states with major portions of land included in the PLSS surveys.
Description: PLSS maps are used to public lands owned by the Federal Government of the United States. These public lands can be subdivided. This is regulated by the Bureau of Land Management. Surveys are completed in thirty six square mile sections. This map conveys the thirty states with major portions of land included in the PLSS surveys.
Cadastral Map
Description: A Cadastral Map provides detail information about properties in certain areas such as land ownership, property easements, parcel size, land value, and area dimensions. This map shows the streets, parcels of land, and buildings in the area along with waterways.
Description: A Cadastral Map provides detail information about properties in certain areas such as land ownership, property easements, parcel size, land value, and area dimensions. This map shows the streets, parcels of land, and buildings in the area along with waterways.
Thematic Map
Description: Thematic maps portray economic, social, and cultural themes and is designed to show these themes over a geographical area. This map conveys the United States and is showing us these Hispanic population density throughout the country.
Description: Thematic maps portray economic, social, and cultural themes and is designed to show these themes over a geographical area. This map conveys the United States and is showing us these Hispanic population density throughout the country.
Topographic Map
Description: A topographic map represents the landscape. These maps are very detailed and show relief using contour lines. This photo conveys a landscape with many different elevations along with details such as green areas and water ways.
Description: A topographic map represents the landscape. These maps are very detailed and show relief using contour lines. This photo conveys a landscape with many different elevations along with details such as green areas and water ways.
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